About the SportsDataverse
The first conversation on the SportsDataverse projects happened at the Carnegie Mellon Sports Analytics Conference. The paper our lead engineer, Saiem Gilani, wrote for the conference was selected as the winner for the Data and Software contribution, Open Track for their reproducible research competition.
The conference materials can be found here:
R Packages
- cfbfastR - An R package to quickly obtain clean and tidy college football play by play data (Data sources: CollegeFootballData, ESPN)
- hoopR - A utility to quickly obtain clean and tidy men's basketball play by play data (Data sources: NBA Stats API, ESPN, KenPom)
- wehoop - A utility to quickly obtain clean and tidy women's basketball play by play data (Data sources: WNBA Stats API, ESPN)
- baseballr - Provides numerous utilities for acquiring and analyzing baseball data from online sources (Data sources: Baseball Reference, FanGraphs, MLB Stats API, NCAA)
- fastRhockey - A utility to scrape and load hockey play-by-play data and statistics (Data sources: Premier Hockey Federation, NHL)
- worldfootballR - allow users to extract various world football results and player statistics from popular football (soccer) data sites (Data sources: FB Reference, Transfermarkt, Understat, Fotmob)
- sportyR - Create scaled 'ggplot' representations of playing surfaces. Playing surfaces are drawn pursuant to rule-book specifications.
- ggshakeR - Analysis and visualization R package that works with publically available soccer data (Compatible data sources: FB Reference, StatsBomb, Understat)
- soccerAnimate - Create 2D animations of soccer tracking data (Compatible data sources: Metrica Sports, Catapult)
- oddsapiR - Access sports odds from the Odds API (Data sources: The Odds API)
- hockeyR - Various functions to scrape hockey play-by-play data (Data sources: NHL, Hockey Reference)
- gamezoneR - Package for working with NCAA Men’s Basketball play-by-play data (Data sources: STATS LLC’s GameZone)
- mlbplotR - Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos
- cfbplotR - A set of functions to visualize college football teams in 'ggplot2'
- cfb4th - A set of functions to analyze NCAA Football 4th Downs
- softballR - Scrapes and cleans college softball data (Data sources: NCAA, ESPN)
- nwslR - Compiles dataset for the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL)
- usfootballR - MLS and NWSL play-by-play data (Data sources: ESPN)
- recruitR - A college football recruiting package (Data sources: CollegeFootballData, 247sports)
- puntr - Package for puntalytics
- chessR - A set of functions to enable users to extract chess game data from popular chess sites (Data sources: Lichess, Chess.com)
Python Packages

Node.js modules

Connect with us
Work with us
Are you interested in working with sports data, developing open-source packages and helping teach others to do the same? Our group is dedicated to the cause of trying to include people from more diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups in sports.
Additionally, we are making the publicly available sports data much more accessible to the common person. The desired goal is to create a supportive community that will provide guidance and mentor those who want to be a part of the solution.
Shoot me a message on Twitter - @saiemgilani!
Get in touch
Is there something you would like to work on in the SportsDataverse? Whether it's related to work or just a casual conversation, we are here and ready to listen. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.